Online Test Instructions

Step 1: You must be at least 18 years old. Read the below INFORMED CONSENT STATEMENT.  After taking the tests, send an email to Dr. Jessum at to confirm that you read the statement. You will not be able to receive your results without verification of informed consent.


Step 2: Visit


Step 3: Type in Code: 7946-001-001     Type in Password: Write the specific test password.      Take one test at each login.


TEST                                       PASSWORD

Personality                               personality
Emotional Intelligence              emotional
Perfectionism                           perfectionism
Quality of Life                           life
Mental Health Screening          behavior



Step 4: Follow online testing instructions for each test. Login again for each different test. Although online testing on this site is secure, you may use an alias rather than your actual name.


INFORMED CONSENT STATEMENT I am at least 18 years of age to participate in online testing on this site. I understand that participation in online testing and test result debriefing does not constitute the formation of a therapeutic or professional relationship with Dr. Jessum. It is for educational purposes only. I understand that results may be emailed in the form of a pdf file through a secured encrypted email. Dr. Jessum must first receive 1) an email from you which indicates that you have read, understand and agree to this Informed Consent Statement; 2) confirmation of your payment receipt; and 3) submission of your answers online (which identify you at least by your email address. I understand that each test could take between 5 - 30 minutes, depending upon the test. The possible benefits consist of feedback about my personality and/or other psychological variables, which may or may not provide greater insight about myself (Please read the entire Disclaimer and Important Information Statement provided on this website). My participation is completely voluntary. I may refuse to answer any of the questions, and I may withdraw my consent and discontinue participation at any time. If I decide to withdrawal participation, I will let Dr. Jessum know, and will receive a full refund. I understand that testing on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for a face-to-face individualized psychological assessment and psychodiagnostic interview. I understand that tests are not intended to be used for diagnostic decision making or conclusions. While online tests available through this site are designed for wide range and international use, I understand that web-based systems may not be able to take into account specific features of the examinee that are relevant to test interpretation such as medical history, gender, age, ethnicity, employment history, education, competence in the language of the test, motor problems that might interfere with test taking, current life stressors, or special conditions of the testing environment. I understand that online psychological testing does not substitute for personalized psychological treatment. If I am experiencing emotional or behavior problems, I may want to seek out the services of a competent and appropriate mental health professional for personal and individualized mental health care. I have read the Disclaimer and Important Information Statement section of this website. If I have any questions about this site, I can email them to Dr. Jessum at